Posted by : Unknown Sunday, 28 April 2013

Restaurant Health Management

            Restaurants The main objective of Health Management offers wholesome, safe to human meals. Such as negligence and health management, the impact may spread to many people, their severity can not be ignored. So health is to ensure that catering meals to the primary health conditions, are also important factors affecting food. Food service staff should learn and abide by the promulgation of the Food Sanitation Law, and strict attention to food, personal, utensils, and environmental health.

A: Food and Health Management:

  1. Food should be thoroughly cleaned, conditioning, storage areas and containers should be kept clean utensils.
  2. Food as soon as possible, and then cooking for the food. Good food should be consumed as soon as possible. Should pay attention to heating and refrigeration, bacteria in more than 60 or above in order to be kill, 10 the following bacterial growth can slow down, -18 Following the bacteria can not breed.
  3. Selection of fresh material as possible, because the bacteria do not contain more fresh ingredients, conditioning the future there may be residual bacteria, and very easy to breed bacteria. Fish menu, refined products, fried egg salad, sausages easily become the cause of poisoning food, so do not have the best summer.
  4. If the non-use can not, we should pay special attention to selecting and cold storage and conditioning.
  5. Salt, sugar, vinegar, hinder the role of bacteria, may wish to use more. Conditioning should pay attention to heat thoroughly to kill harmful bacteria.
  6. Food should be cooled to room temperature or lower temperature, then put in boxes and then place in hot food, it will speed up the bacteria.
  7. We should pay attention to preservation and reproduction of bacterial contamination, and stored at 10 under cold storage. If the ventilation is good, it can prevent bacterial growth and corruption; therefore not too early into lunch. Hot lunch stacked, or direct sunlight, or placed in warm place, will have adverse effects, should be avoided.
  8. By rat feces if food, flies, cockroaches and other pollution can also cause poisoning, so food should be stored in cupboards and covered containers to avoid contamination; packaging containers in storage are vulnerable to dust, insects, rodents and other contamination Therefore, attention must be preserved. Best when used with chlorine prior to 50ppm or more after the use of relatively safe water disinfection. In addition, the packaging not too thick, so that the heat caused by bad bacteria multiply.
  9. Staff should be in good health, clean clothes, clean hair, fingers, and good hygiene practices. Are not to finger any time direct contact with food, and to clip, chopsticks ideal food to take place.
  10. Lunch from production to supply, the shorter the better, lower the temperature the better, if possible, preferably after a thorough thermal eat, but also help prevent food poisoning. Hot summer days, it is best not to take lunch to go mountain climbing or hiking trips, because temperatures above 30 , not for hours, it will produce enough to cause staphylococcal antitoxin poisoning.
  11. Food preparation industry is a large number of dishes available to the consumer sectors, operating as the first priority should be to health, such as a slight mistake in the food unclean, do not meet health standards, it will detract from nutritional value, its impact not only be punished, even more serious is the loss of safe and reliable reputation. Therefore, the restaurant business should be the most important health conditions.




2. All kinds of food hygiene requirements:

  1. Fresh meat: Good meat should be shiny, red uniform, white fat, looks slightly dry or slightly moist, touch sticky, elastic, that pressure recovery immediately after the depression, no smell, cooking in the broth of transparency, to clarify, fat reunion in noodles, fragrant.
  2. Visceral: Intestinal milky white, slightly soft, slightly tough, no pus points, bleeding, no smell. Stomach was white, mucous membrane integrity and firm, and no smell. Kidney was purple, glossy, flexible, no vesicles or deformity, smell normal. Heart light red, the Department of white fat, strong and flexible, no smell. Lungs pink, flexible, edge-free lung malayi, no smell. Liver was brown, smooth coated, flexible, firm texture.
  3. Meat: Ham, bright color and dark red meat, fat and transparent white, flesh dried fruit, fragrant. Bacon red, fat, white color, flesh compact, no smell. Cooked sausage casing integrity, casing and tight over the meat filling, no mucus, red meat, fat and transparent jade, no foul taste and rancidity. Butter braised pork no smell, the pieces have been cooked center, look no foreign body contamination. Dried pork floss were golden or pale flocculent, loose fibers clean, no smell.
  4. Fish: Surface shiny, with clean and transparent mucus, scales complete, easy to fall off, no smell, eyes bulging full, transparent cornea; gill color red no mucus; abdominal solid no flatulence, flexible, white anal hole depression; meat firm, has flexibility, blood does not.
  5. Frozen fish: After thawing the fish hard texture, bright color, clean and pollution-free surface. Fresh meat section is not corrupt, and similar fish.
  6. Crab: The agility and can crawl, cut open the discoloration after the bowels of the sticky smell.
  7. Swimming Crab: Dorsal shell blue brown, clear and shiny texture, crab foot white walls, white or with gill micro-brown, rich roe and sperm freezing fixed, Buzu closely connected with the body, brought crab bodies, the Buzu no sagging phenomenon.



  1. Birds: Health comb color red, straight, soft meat bearded, big round eyes of God, shut the mouth dry, crop odorless, water and product water, Liang Chi close to the chest wall, closely feathers shiny, clean hair around the anus clean, anal wet pink, breast fullness and flexible, robust and powerful legs, freedom of movement. After the mass slaughter of poultry meat with the other. Dead birds with green skin, dark red purple dead spots, fat, dark red, purple blood vessels in storage, poultry meat section is not dry, dull red color inelastic, a small amount of blood drip out. Before thawing frozen poultry, poultry and poultry mother milk yellow skin color, public and poultry, You Qin, lean poultry skin color reddish. After thawing section dry, reddish muscles.
  2. Eggs: There are good fresh egg white frost, clean sound, X-ray transparent chamber is small, a little egg yolk shadow, no spots. Egg ice melting, the liquid yellow uniform, no odor and impurities. Salted exterior shell integrity, no visible mold, water rippling wave of mild influenza, according to a transparent light protein, Hongliang clear, yolk narrow, close to the shell, opened the thin transparent colorless protein, egg yolk concentrated red, cooked After the yolk has fat and a sandy feeling, a scent. Preserved egg outer package material integrity, not musty, no turbulence rocking sound, X-ray showed a tortoiseshell color, freezing fixed, open, protein coagulation, be flexible. Profile in the yolk pale brown, yellow, central part slightly softer, not spicy aromatic flavor. Egg yellow powder was loose powder or easy to block, yellow uniform, no odor and impurities. Egg white film was the chip-shaped or clastic, pale yellow, no smell and impurities.
  3. Food and beans: Food particle integrity, hard and tough, no moldy insects and debris, color white, the water content of 15% or less. Full grain legumes, no insects, hanging wire, and mildew. No beans ground rice and tofu plaster feet, fine texture, with a knife, the cut surface clean rings off the entire plate tofu, do not collapse after exposing cloth. Oil tofu soft, not wet heart, there are bright orange. Dried bean curd, hand arrangements will surface not hairy, no water, squeeze incision. Tofu can be opened broken clothes, shiny, soft and not become moldy. Vegetarian chicken cut light cracks, no taste non intact and heavy base.
  4. Vegetables: No yellow leaves should be fresh, no wounds and rotten spots.


  1. Fruit: Quality fruit skin color, bright, crisp and fresh in quality, there is the smell. Some fruit rot than fruit body l / 3 can not eat, l / 3 the following should be cleaned and disinfected, are cut, are dug, now on sale.Fruit, carrot, cucumber Often eaten raw, washed with fresh water before consumption to remove parasite eggs and bacteria contamination and pesticide residue on the skin. Then soaked in water for 30 seconds, also using 5% lactic acid solution or other disinfectant after disinfection of raw.
  2. Cakes: Pastry production process must meet food hygiene requirements, the storage time to prevent the pastry vermin, mildew, and fatty acids failure. Stored at should be clean, dry, ventilated, and have rodent control, fly-proof equipment. High-quality soft bread texture, leaving it evenly golden roof or dark yellow, not coke, not students, full shape, flexible, non-sticky chewing teeth when feeling. Biscuits with light, clear pattern, crunchy and crisp flavor.
  3. Canned Food: Raw materials, production processes must comply with food hygiene requirements. High-quality canned smooth shell, no rust, no damage cracks and leakage of expansion, the full uniform solder joints. Vacuum tank must meet criteria, hit with metal rods lid light, crisp and solid sound. Opened the jar wall should not have corrosion, black or paint layer stripping. Be thoroughly fried food fried, crispy and no burning smell rancidity flavor, canned fruit, the flesh can not cook too familiar, block-shaped integrity, flesh not perfect, the color of natural, artificial coloring are not allowed. Transparent and clear broth, without impurities, usually 30% sugar, no smell. Canned fruit jam with the original color should be consistent, jam high viscosity, easy to pour out when dumping cans, standing without isolated juice, add tartaric acid or citric acid may be appropriate, no odor or flavor taste. Save the place can be ventilated, cool, dry, normal relative humidity should be 70% ~ 75%, the temperature below 20 to l ~ 4 for the best. Canned food shelf life is usually 2 years tin cans, glass and cans for 1 year. (15) Cold food: Cold food materials contain more sugar, eggs, milk and starch, for bacteria, such as production, sales links are occurring bacteria contamination have led people to intestinal infectious diseases.Beverage use of raw materials to produce fresh water should be good, flavor, color, should control the use of saccharin. Production site in full bloom containers, pipes should be thoroughly cleaned with steam or 0.1% to 0.2% liquid bleach disinfection, boil the material to be rapidly cooled after. Packaging should be clean and non-toxic, wrapping paper should be used in food-grade paraffin wax. Cold products to be stored on the refrigerator or the refrigerator to prevent melting of pollution, to ensure the hygienic quality of cold food. Cold food cold products should have the color and taste, same smell, odor, and foreign body. Soft drinks should be clear and transparent, not cloudy or precipitate is not leak tight cap.
  4. Alcohol: General health indicators for the pure white, transparent, wine, mellow taste, no strong irritation, no smell. Yellow rice wine, to clarify the non-hybrid loss, no sediment, with refreshing fragrance of the aroma, taste mellow and slightly sweet, not sour taste. Wine should be clear, and a natural color, red violet, or pale yellow, no precipitation, a grape aroma, a strong ester aroma, same smell, taste with fruit juice flavor, sour flavor when poor quality. Should be transparent and to clarify beer, no turbidity or sedimentation, golden color, floral wine with a normal, into the cup fine when dense white foam, to maintain a certain time does not disappear (small foam that bad fermentation and storage time is too long), taste crisp slightly bitter taste, no odor and sour coke.Liquor store at below 25 , wine, fruit wine and wine to about 20 , cooked beer 4 ~ 20 , beer 0 ~ 10 , the summer should pay attention to cooling. General wine storage period of 6 months, mature beer is 3 months, bottled draft beer 0 ~ 5 for 7 to 10 days, bottled beer for 5 days. But the closed bottle, mounted the altar wine, liquor, timeless, the longer, more concentrated flavor, the better the quality.


{ 1 comments... read them below or add one }

  1. It is the most knowledgeable post i have ever read. I am totally agree with you at every point you have described. Food should be very hygiene, otherwise it can cause various diseases. The main objective of Health Management in restaurant offers wholesome, safe to human meals. Keep sharing similar post. Thanks.


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