Posted by : Unknown Sunday 28 April 2013

Real Life Courtesy Training for Waiters


Dear Colleges, this is a Training. is about Courtesy. It is the hallmark of a good waiter to be courteous on all occasions not only towards guests but also towards his colleagues and other people working in the same unit .Courtesy should be inherent in his nature and a sign of his desire to please those with whom he comes into contact. His manner should not be just a part of the “technique” of the restaurant. The advantages and necessity of being courteous should be emphasized as it not only smoothens operations but also ensures better ties.

Courtesy Training for Waiters:

  1. After a waiter has served breakfast and a guest is leaving, he should say “ Thank you, have a pleasant day” It should be said with utmost sincerity.
  2. When approaching a guest use the word ‘assist’, e.g. “May I assist you “ or “ May I be of assistance”.
  3. When guests are leaving after lunch or dinner or even if they have just stopped in for a cup of coffee or a drink, say “Thank you. I hope every thing was all right. Do come again, or “ It’s been a pleasure serving you. Please come again soon.”
  4. Always present the check without delay. Keep it at the side station when the guests are nearing the end of their meal.
  5. While taking an order the waiter should approach the guest from the left and place the menu in front of him and inquire, “ May I have your order, Sir/Madam ?” Wait patiently facing the guest until after any necessary advice asked has been given, and the order is complete. Give the guest enough time to decide what he wants and do not rush him.
  6. Guests should never get the feeling that they are being hustled. It is really proper to let them finish their drink before asking for their food order. In the evening this holds true. At noon a lot of people are on a tight schedule so the lunch- time menu should be presented as soon as the guest is seated. Before taking the food order the waiter should ask whether they would like a should take the food order and serve it as soon as it is ready. If the answer is “yes”, the drink is placed on the table the waiter should ask, “Would you like to order now or shall I come back later?” If the answer is “later” the waiter the guest is finishing his drink. If the guest orders right away, the food should be brought as soon as it is ready to serve, even if the guest has not finished his drink. Drink “May we bring you a drink before lunch?” If the answer is “No” he should take the food order and serve it as soon as it is ready. If the answer is “yes”, the drink is placed on the table the waiter should ask, “Would you like to order now or shall I come back later?” If the answer is “later” the waiter the guest is finishing his drink. If the guest orders right away, the food should be brought as soon as it is ready to serve, even if the guest has not finished his drink.
  7. If a guest says his food or drink isn’t right, the waiter should not tell him so, even if he is sure that the guest is wrong. The waiter should tell him “I am sorry. Please let me bring you another or may I bring you another or may I bring you something else?” The waiter should take the order back to the kitchen and tell the chief to replace it. If he has any trouble, he should tell the manager.
  8. In case there are restaurants having bar counters or bars in the immediate neighborhood of the restaurant, guests who cannot be seated in the restaurant should be asked if they wish to wait in the bar until a table is available. If possible the supervisor should accompany the guest to the other facility to make sure that they will be taken care of properly.
  9. In case a waiter is busy and cannot attend to a guest at once, he should inform him that he will attend to him immediately or in a moment.
  10. If the waiter knows the guest’s name it is advisable to address him by his name as this shown that the guest is getting personalized service.
  11. A guest may become impatient if he cannot catch the waiter’s eye. The waiter should never ignore guests or just pass them by, because they are not on his station. He should stop and acknowledge the call, by saying politely, “I will send your station waiter, sir “.
  12. When two tables are occupied approximately at the same time, the waiter must take the order of the first party, first.
  13. Each guest entering the restaurant must be received at the door by the hostess or the supervisor in a cordial and pleasant manner and be conducted to a seat. Chair should be held for the convenience of all lady guests, and gentlemen if possible.
  14. Guests must be asked prior to seating whether the table, which they have been allotted, is agreeable to them.


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